Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Results . . . . but not Mine

My daughter, Becky, put the following on her blog. You can read it for yourself.

"I had an appointment with my kidney doctor yesterday (Thurs.) and results from my blood work revealed that my kidney function is pretty low - 16% - and that I am going to have to go on dialysis pretty soon, within the next few months. I have to tell you I was completely flabbergasted. I had no idea that things had moved along that quickly and in the back of my mind I was hoping I could wait as long as my Mom did (60) before going on dialysis.

I don’t have a lot of details right now. I have a referral to a doctor who will talk to me about putting in a fistula and possibly something in my stomach also. One would allow me to have dialysis at home and with the other I would go to a center 3x a week to get dialysis. I suppose we will be talking options.

I don’t mind answering any questions that you have - if I don’t know the answers, my mom probably will. I had my “freaking-out” time but now I am ready to face it with the help of God. I hope that doesn’t sound clicheish because that is certainly not the way I mean it - I am going to be leaning hard on Him in the days to come.

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